Saturday, February 15, 2020

how those cousins of jews, the arabs, ruined my egypt!

how those cousins of jews, the arabs, ruined my egypt!

they and their religion and their culture ruined the glorious egypt

its that religion that prevents my people from reviving egypt.

followers of islam and judaism plus jewish religion christianity prevents people from creative

activities in this world because they are told they'll get everything in their next lives.

They become fundamentally wrong theoried in the mind nutjobs. Their YHWH/Allah demands ritual

blood offerings daily, of humans and animals and all life that is on earth, then ends all

life, cultural, architectural, ...

arabic/nabatean culture is not egyptian culture.

followers of allah/yhwh are the same. terrible subhumans.

cancer of the mind.


  1. i was the richest guy in the world. i was the poorest guy in the world. i have breached duality permanently. i feel nothing when rich, i feel no hardships when poor.

  2. i wrote all religious texts. my words are oceans of secrets. this is not some vain shallow drivel. i am worshiped everywhere and for a good reason and i dont ask people to worship me 5 times a day either. they worship me naturally.

  3. my taunts asurah yhwh/allah cannot handle. i shudnt hate one asura, as i am mahadev, God of Gods.

  4. i am talking koran. i am talking bhagwaan. whatever i say is bhagavad gita. whatever i write is the bible.

  5. lord of intensity, i teach prophets religion, i teach gods how to become better gods.


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