Wednesday, February 19, 2020

lost is what God did and worthless is what God used to do in all the worlds that 'he created'.

lost is what God did and worthless is what God used to do in all the worlds that 'he created'.

because everything is maya.

dunya mil bhi jaye to kia hai?
akhrat mil bhi jaye to kia hai.

textual nataraja

sab kay sab jahannami

kia faida teri khudai ka?

eternal jew
eternal kippah
jewing me at every step.

he and his jew rabbis. eternal jews like moses.


Al lanat lillah fi kullu alameen.

Laanti. Laeen.


  1. lost is what God did and worthless is what God used to do in all the worlds that 'he created'.

    because everything is maya.

    dunya mil bhi jaye to kia hai?
    akhrat mil bhi jaye to kia hai.

    textual nataraja

    sab kay sab jahannami

    kia faida teri khudai ka?


    laau laab
    fi kullu alameen
    allah wa khalq


    what i said last night and the night before

    should end existence

    all of it

    all the worlds

    Lost is what God did and worthless is what God used to in all the worlds that he created.

    heavier words have never been said in history.

    these words are heavier than koran, bible and torah combined.

    not bhagavad gita.

  2. let me repeat what i said:

    Lost is what God did and worthless is what God used to in all the worlds that he created.

    heavier words have never been said in history.

    1. that is why i am universally worshiped in many forms. a superior God. a superGod. this was textual nataraja on asura allah/yahweh.

    2. mt sinai and jabal nur will both crumble by these words. Because i am the real God.

  3. What is crooked cannot be fixed. What is Yahweh cannot be straightened. The good die young but this Yahweh demon lives on forever, a wicked criminal god of the most criminal nation of all time.

  4. u desired to be known? nobody wants to know u.
    there is a reason why your creation is ungrateful. Lord of crookedness, lord of jews, the eternal jew in the sky.

  5. out of 200 billion humans that ever existed, 150 billion worshiped me. ur followers? 10-40 billion. Who won? I. I am the real God. Ana Rabbul Rabb. Ana Rabbul Allah. Ana Rabbul Yahwah. Ana Maha Allah. Ana Maha Yahwah.


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