Saturday, February 15, 2020

more jew bashing

will that literal oven dodger kill hungry ( a white caucasian guy who is great in business he does earns profits and is successful and knows how the world works is not a shutin virgin) now?

hungry is pissed off at that jew spying on him

he lives in america and is white

see how these jews make enemies everywhere?

ezra hrabak sperg is a classic jeww

will cause his tribe the second holocaust

20 million

oven fodder

what a leech on americans

americans ARE getting sick and tired of them.

tick tock...

and how they begged americans to let them inside america during world war 2 when hitler was putting them where they belong: ovens. but no worries, God has prepared for these oven dodging oven fodders, Christ killing goblins eternal ovens in their afterlives for their lifetime of crimes. they belong in hell nowhere else.

they had to ficitionalize the holocaust otherwise they were not allowed in.

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