Monday, June 1, 2020

Surah Iblis

When God said to Iblis, "Bow down to Adam."

Iblis responded, "First, you bow down before me, worship me."

God said, "How dare you!"

Iblis said, "Now imagine how offended I AM by you forcing me to down before an inferior being."

God was offended and said what he said. Expelled Iblis and made him an outcast.

Surah Iblis 666.1-5

Then Iblis said to Allah on judgment day, "This is Allah, Lord of the worlds. He is most beneficent most merciful. Most of his creation hell bound. What a merciful most kind God you are!"

And Iblis humiliated Allah in front of his creation on that day.

Surah Iblis 666.6

عندما قال الله لإبليس ، "انحنى لآدم".

رد إبليس: "أولاً ، تنحني أمامي ، تعبدني".

قال الله ، "كيف تجرؤ!"

قال إبليس ، "الآن تخيلوا كيف أساء إليكم ، فأرغمتوني على النزول قبل وجود كائن أدنى".

أساء الله وقال ما قاله. طرد إبليس وجعله منبوذاً.

سورة إبليس 666.1-5

ثم قال إبليس لله يوم الدينونة: "هذا هو الله رب العالمين ، وهو أرحم الراحمين. ومعظم خليقته الجحيم مقيد. يا له من أرحم الله!"

وأذل إبليس الله أمام خلقه في ذلك اليوم.

سورة إبليس 666.6


  1. And remember when Allah said to Iblis - who is also known as Satan

    the Deceiver of the world, the Ancient Serpent, the Chief Deceiver, -

    "I will fill up hell with you and those who follow you altogether."

    Iblis responded immediately and said, "You first, hypocrite. You

    created them and me. You are the one who should be burning in hell,

    Allah!" And he went on, "Why even create us if you made most of us

    for hell?"
    On that day Allah created an Ayah to dispel Iblis and the

    djinn to further his outcastness. "I seek refuge in Allah from Iblis

    his greatest creation."

  2. imagine the jewlousy of a kike that he works actively nonstop 24/7/365 against a superior Gentile. ^


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