Tuesday, June 2, 2020

"Behold, God of the jews!"

On judgment day of Yahweh, We the superior Gods will force him to show up at a trial at the eternal courts of justice.

When Yahweh shows up, we'll start deriding and mocking him, saying things like

"Behold, God of the jews!"

"God of the jews? That most criminal nation?"


"And he has the nerve to show his face to the superior Gods?"


Decision of the Gods

"Descend into Tartarus, you and your chosen tribe, aye, for all of eternity, for perpetuity, in certitude, that you will never, ever, see, the surface of the earth, again."

1 comment:

  1. Go on Yahweh scum, dance on the corpses of Iranian children with your chosen goblins. Their blood on you and your chosen. The blood of all children killed by wars started by your chosen goblins, you are responsible for their suffering.


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