Monday, February 17, 2020

How to get ur mind unwired from the media to think outside the box/cube that is kaabah

Recent estimates of the "total number of people who have ever lived" are in the order of 100 billion.
Of the roughly 150,000 people who die each day across the globe, about two thirds—100,000 per daydie of age-related causes.
Information like these makes you think differently about the world instead of reading entertainment news, getting attached to maya harder, plugged into the matrix, which is repetitive and selected news and information only. Free your mind. But then, there is nothing out there but ruins and natural landscape, which is great i must say, better than whatever people do to pass time before they die.


  1. its 120 billion (number of humans who ever lived)

    could be more

    possibly 200 billion

    1. so many people die daily! and so many people lived on this pale blue dot.

  2. oh so and so celebrity died. i am so sad!


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