Wednesday, February 19, 2020

create a virus then its cure

plato "nice business"

aristotle "what is?"

Plato "They create a virus in a lab then its cure."

then spread virus then sell its cure when people are most desperate

unethical? yes.

its all about money.

 The flu virus does this many times every year, which is why we need a new flu vaccine every year.

its pretty standard stuff nothing new.

there must be many sterilization viruses like zika in the lab already.

this however there will be, or there should be, no cure for sterilization viruses, for the sake of ..

aristotle to plato "dont get involved in nature's affairs.

then get punished."

plato to aristotle "i am typing hypothetical scenarios. i dont mean this."

part of the dialogues between two ancient yet futuristic philo-sophers.

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