Tuesday, February 18, 2020

Taunts of superGod Amun who is Osiris to subgod Yahweh.

"look at these vermin jews greedily evil eye and covet my 5th computer

what a subhuman nation.

is ur moshe any different to these stiffnecked people, oh yahweh?

these untouchable criminals. these slaves. these jews.

the most criminal nation of all time still exists.

Your favoritism towards these is unbelievable.

Is it because they pretend to worship thee in their synagogues (of satan)?

How stupid and contemptible are you, Yahweh.

Tempt more gullible 'prophets' in the wilderness of Sinai and Negev, demon, satan 'the god of this world'.

Didn't you make Abraham sacrifice his children to you?

Didn't you make Moshe rebel against his father?

Didn't you tempt Jesus in the wilderness of Judean desert near Jerusalem. You offered him this world, and he refused. Then you used 'your people' (children of Yahweh) against innocent angelic Yeshua.

You and whoever follows you, including your chosen tribe of criminal goblin rabbis, are to be kept in the underworld for all of eternity, declares I, Osiris, a SuperGod, God of Gods, who is also Amun. "

-- Taunts of SuperGod Amun/Osiris to subgod/demon Yahweh.

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