Tuesday, February 18, 2020

Out of 200 billion humans that ever existed, over 100 billion worshiped me (in various forms).

Out of 200 billion humans that ever existed, over 100 billion worshiped me (in various forms).

God/Allah/Yahweh/Yeshua has how many? 20-30 billion. 50 billion maybe.

Who won, Allah? Who won, Yahweh? Who won, 'one true god of the universe'?

That's one of the eternal taunts. I'll say this on judgment day. Do your stupid books say or

reveal this? no.

Part of the eternal taunts against 'God' series.


  1. go ahead send most of ur creation to hell. then go back to ur throne in ur holiness, the eternal hypocrite, the so called one true god of the universe. make them suffer for all of eternity. while u rest in the heavens.

  2. there is a reason why allah says 'auzhu billahi shaitan rajeem'

    he censors.

    he has something to hide.

  3. 'i see refuge in God from the truthful whispers of the devil'


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