Monday, February 17, 2020

koranic debates 'Shaitaan makes evil deeds look good to the person who is committing such thoughts or acts'

And when Satan made their deeds seem fair to them and said: No one of mankind can conquer you this day, for I am your protector. But when the armies came in sight of one another, he took flight, saying: Lo! I am guiltless of you. Lo! I see that which ye see not. Lo! I fear Allah. And Allah is severe in punishment. - 8:48

Satan had beautified for them their deeds, so he prevented them from the (right) way, even though they were people of insight.

Satan makes their evil/bad deeds seem fair-seeming/fun/good to them. - Koran

Points to ponder over:

1) Either Satan is God. God is the evil entity who deceives people into sinning to fall into the material realm.

2) Who gave satan this ability to make their evil deeds look good deeds to them? God himself!

Part of the koranic debates series.


Logically defeat this Allah Asurah with 114 Surahs is my intention.

I Mahadev wrote a better koran with 234 Surahs.

I dont mess about Yahweh/Allah scum.

i am ur open enemy, u and 'ur creation'.

Such is God, such his creation.

As above, so below.

Not a single one of them is good. All of them are as evil as Allah/Yahweh is.


Nevermind that. I was enjoying nature earlier, its better than any God. Nature is always neutral, fair, ever present, eternal. Nature is greater than any gods.


  1. Said Someone to God

    "oh, u r God of the jews? Of all the nations of the world, you are God of the most criminal of all people who ever existed?

    well done. what an achievement."

  2. what i mean is that when i do evil, i dont realize what i am doing, and my evil deeds seem fun to me. whose fault is it? my fault or God's fault who put fun in evil deeds? Or is it the devil. Why did God give the devil such a capability? Who should be burning in hell? Not me. Not the shaitaain. God himself.


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