Thursday, February 20, 2020


do u know of bioterraforming? planktons or microbes as such can be used to jumpstart life on mars, moon, uranus. you know, replicate how life started on earth. i call such modified microorganisms bioterraformers. They change helium or hydrogen or whatever to oxygen or h2O. U release such bioterraformers in billions or trillions in numbers. These are fast acting agents that quickly change the atmosphere from … to oxygen within few years instead of millions of years or billion years.

Yes, such organisms can be sped up, catalyzed, using biocatalysts.

1 comment:

  1. >Bioterraformers will require zero cost.

    yes, you release these modified ancient microbes and they'll do the work on their own.

    You wont need facilities where oxygen is stored or huge terraforming machines or factories.

    But these will die in the environment if released.

    What is the atmosphere of mars? need to develop an artificial ozone layer to start terraforming. Almost impossible. Mission aborted.


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